FOOD CRAVINGS and What They Mean

Food cravings are soooo real. You know, that feeling you get when all you can think about is a specific food and you just have to have it. I’ve found myself wondering about this recently so I did some digging to find out what it is exactly, how to change what you crave (can you?) and what specific cravings might mean.

If you’ve ever wondered about this, take a look at what I learned below.

What is a food craving?

How I understand it, food cravings are basically the brain trying to communicate with you. One theory is that when you see a certain food associated with an award or a positive experience, it triggers a happy memory. This can then make you crave that food again because of its association with happiness (this is part of why we stress eat).

Another theory suggests that cravings happen when your body is telling you it’s low on a certain nutrient. So when you think you’re craving chocolate, it might actually mean you need magnesium, B vitamins or essential fatty acids. More on this below under how to change what you crave.

Can you change what you crave and why do you crave certain things?

While there are psychological reasons (like anxiety) that can cause cravings, when it comes to recognizing what your body needs, I think there are a couple tricks to avoiding all the sugary and fattening foods we usually go for when a craving strikes. All you have to do is be a little more intentional about recognizing your craving and learning what your body is actually asking you for. Sounds easier than it is, but you really can help yourself out here! Below are tastes, or types of food you might crave, and what your body is trying to tell you it’s running low on.

Craving: chocolate

Needs: B vitamins, magnesium, essential fatty acids

Alternative: dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher), smoothies with unsweetened cocoa


Craving: sugar

Needs: chromium, magnesium or water

Alternative: fresh fruit, water—watermelon would be a great way to combine the two


Craving: salty

Needs: electrolytes, B vitamins

Alternative: nuts and seeds


Craving: fried foods

Needs: essential fatty acids

Alternative: healthy fats from nuts and seeds, leafy greens, whole grains or eggs


How are cravings related to anxiety?

If you’ve ever struggled with stress eating/cravings being triggered by anxiety and feeling overwhelmed, this is for you. Unfortunately, when we’re stressed our body searches for ways to boost serotonin, and carbs will do just the trick—temporarily at least. This means fatty and sugary foods make us feel better in those stressed out times, but only until our blood sugar crashes and we might even end up feeling worse, both physically and psychologically. This is why I think it’s important to look back at the alternatives I mentioned above. Because if you do reach for food during anxious times, you have some healthy options.

Can you stop food cravings?

From what I’ve gathered, there may not be a way to completely stop food cravings. Bummer, I know! But, the good news is that there are a couple solutions on how to deal with them without going on a major binge. The first solution is what I’ve mentioned above, which is searching out those healthier alternatives and gaining a greater understanding of what your body is actually telling you when a craving arises.

The second solution, especially if your cravings are triggered by stress and anxiety, would be to simulate happiness to ignite serotonin production without having to eat. Do the things you enjoy—talk to friends and family, exercise, play with your pets—anything that brings you even just a little bit of joy.

Hopefully this helps the next time you feel a craving coming on!

3 Discussion to this post

  1. Mikey says:

    this is so helpful omg i have so many unexplained food cravings, love this post!

  2. Elizabeth T. says:

    Thank you so much for this insightful post on food cravings, Amy! I agree – finding healthier alternatives is one of the best solutions! Thank you for all of these recommendations! <3 🙂

    XO, Elizabeth T.

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